Friday, April 30, 2010

voting booth

i would like your feelings on when you are shopping,
doesn't matter where, and the employee
calls you "sweetie" or "hun"..............

6 observations:

The Finlays said...

For me it depends on the employee and how it is said. If it is an older person, as in he/she reminds me of a grandparent, then it doesn't bother me. If it is said in a patronizing way, then no matter who it is it irritates me, like they think they are better than me. If it is a creep man then it is just that, creepy. Does any of that make sense? :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with your friend. If it's an older person, it doesn't bug me. If they are my age or close enough, then I get kind of annoyed.

Anonymous said...

if they are atleast thirty years older than me, than it's OK if it's said sweetly without any condescending tones.
if they are close to my age or younger it is always condescending and it is just bad form. hon. :)
it actually reminds me of junior high. and girls saying something mean and then saying 'just kidding' but not kidding at all. man, i have issues.

Hey Melissa Mae said...

OH. MY. HECK. That is honestly one of my biggest pet peeves. I cannot stand it especially when they are younger then me. I find it very condescending, even if they don't mean it that way.

Heather said...

i hate it!!! Especially if they are around the same age as me. It drives me INSANE!!! If they are older its one thing, but it drives me batty. I hate when men call me it cause it seems creepy and hate it when women do because it comes off condesending, even if its not meant that way.

Rebecca said...

I am at fault for this. I like to be a bit personal with people and I feel that hon, is a term of indeerment. I don't know -- mam is is the bad one for me. Sorry if I offended anyone. Not intended!!