Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Guess what happened tonight at 9:37??
My little love lost her first tooth!!

"hurray! hurray"
(she said!)

check out that cute grin!

She promptly set to work making a bag for the Tooth Fairy and then told us all about it for ten minutes! (anyone who really knows my little love knows exactly what i am talking about!)

. the C sticker is for her name
. the 6 sticker is to show how old she is
. the smiley face is to show she s a girl
. the blue sticker is for her favorite color
. the T sticker is for the Tooth Fairy

...and there is her wittle tooth chillin' on the bottom...

Now it's all I can do to get her to go to bed!

{ EXciTiNG }

2 observations:

Hey Melissa Mae said...

YAYYYYY Caitlyn! You are the cutest toothless girl I've ever seen :)

Elise Mckenna Peterson: said...

Hurray! I will have to call her tomorrow and congratulate her :) And I can completely hear her talking about it for ten minutes in my head, haha! Oh, I miss being home!