My blog stopped working right in the middle of my Easter posts, I was infuriated! I had to take a step away from it for a bit, I almost threw my computer out the window!
But whatever was wrong has now been fixed!
These are just some random photos of what has been going on lately in our lives!

Totally random I know! But check out those pancakes!
They weigh more than PhotOP’s does!!!

Little Love’s Girl Scout Troop went to a day camp that the older girls put on. It gave them a glimpse at all they fun they will have at the actual camps. The Daisy Troops are not old enough to attend the camps quite yet!!Caitlyn had a blast and came home with all kinds of goodies, she is especially found of her walking stick and tie-dyed bandana!

I am sad that another year of Girl Scouts is over. Little Love had the most amazing troop leader this year! Miss Anna was involved with the girls and let us know about all the extra activities to earn patches – Little Love got a lot of patches this year! When a Girl Scout moves from one level to the next they have a bridging ceremony for the girls to bridge from one to the next. We met at a park with the other troops in the area for pizza, drinks and a great – and tear jerking – ceremony! I am so proud of Little Love, she has come such a long way and Girl Scouts has helped her a lot. I was so emotional seeing her come around the corner with her troop and to hear them call her name and welcome her as a new Brownie. I hate that she is growing up, but so proud of the amazing little person she is becoming.

My supervisor at the school has the most amazing garden and orchard! We were invited to come and partake of her spoils!!! I learned so much about fruit and veg, it was wonderful! She kept filling our baskets with her garden goodness, we had a whole back seat full!! I had to call in some friends to take some of it off our hands! It all tastes so good, you just cannot compare the home grown to store bought! I made some delish patty-pan soup and stored it in the freezer for later – just wishing it truly became cold here in the desert so we could really enjoy a proper bowl of hot soup!! Little Love picked a mini patty pan and was so proud of it – those leaves are kind of itchy! As we were checking out our pickin’ and snapping pictures I glanced over at sweet innocent little Penny and saw her nibbling on something…..oh she had somehow undetected snuck Little Love’s little patty pan and was eating it! Little Love was in the depths of despair! We salvaged about half of it! We have been invited back for more when the corn is ripe and the grapes have turned purple – we cannot wait!
Ever since we took LittleLove to a local high school production of Seussical the Musical she has been playing the music and acting out the scenes! She loved it! The play that was put on was very done very simply, no elaborate costumes and no sets. It was a wonderful play, but I knew that I had to give her more! So when I saw that Seussical was being put on by a local dinner theater – and let in on a secret discount day – I knew I had to buy our family tickets. We did not tell Little Love about it, simply that “Dad was taking us someplace special for dinner tonight!” She thought we were taking her to McDonalds – we need to get out more!! We blind folded her and wouldn’t allow her to take it off until we were in the theater. They curtains on the stage had a huge Cat in the Hat on it and the words “Seussical” in giant letters across the top – prefect! She was so excited when she saw that hat! We had great seats, I knew the cast would come into the audience and different points and wanted us close enough for that! Little Love got to pet one of the strange circus animals – highlight! The food was good too! We had a great time! Next is Cinderella – Rodgers and Hammerstein style. I hope I can get us tickets!
Little Love and I were browsing through some craft ideas I had and we came across the soaps with little trinkets in them. It was love at first sight – she knew she wanted to make them for her Dad for Father’s Day! She was so funny about it all! Had her little shopping list, she insisted on smelling every scent to find the right one for her Dad, and nothing would be better than fish in his soap! We had a lot of fun crafting these little soaps and they were so stinkin’ easy!
Have I mentioned how much I am in love with Hobby Lobby?
Okay, I have a picture of Little Love and her gorgeous smile, but this picture just screams “HER” so I had to post this one! I love her toothless grin!!
A few of the soaps!
The diver’s legs are poking out of the soap or water! When turned over and looked at from the bottom there are little bubbles around him so it really looks like he is just diving into the sea!
4 observations:
you are so cute and creative! I love the soaps.
I've never seen suessical but I've always wanted to. I'm very jealous!!
Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun!
I remember making soaps once for a young women's activity and it was so much fun! I would love to do it again. I say, that sounds like a "Elise coming down to visit" activity!!
Heather you've got to watch for it! Taylar would LOVE it! The music is so fun!
I will put it on "the list" Elise - you will have to stay for at least 6 months to check everything off of it!
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