Saturday, April 04, 2009

long and over do....

What draws me to these books is the history. When Sylvia takes us back in time to her youth at the Bergstrom Manor you can feel the warmth and love that permeated through the home. Jennifer Chiaverini is a simple but thick writer. Each character has had her story written out for her since birth! You feel you know these women and connect with them all on different levels. And wish you too could be part of Elm Creek Quilts. I know that if not limited by editing, these books could be a mile thick.

In this book we join with Anna and Sylvia as they ready the manor for a major remodeling in the kitchen. The manor itself is a treasure trove of memories and forgotten items waiting to be discoved and have their stories told. As the two women explore the long neglected corners of the kitchen they discover treasure after treasure and the stories begin to spring to life. From old family traditions to community dances and potluck suppers, Sylvia again brings us back in time for a little taste of her part in history. Soon Anna's mind is awhirl with menu plans and new savory dishes to be served from the new kitchen to bring back and honor the women who made Bergstrom Manor what is is today.

“We need to find a way to make this kitchen serve up the spirit of Elm Creek Quilts just as it serves delicious meals,” Anna muses to Sylvia as they begin the project. “I want to honor all the traditions of the Bergstrom family as well as all the people, Elm Creek Quilters and campers alike, who make Elm Creek Quilt Camp such a unique place.”

The book is generously stuffed with over 100 recipes. Some from the Bergstrom family kitchen, Gerda's Apple Strudel, and some from Anna, Tomato Mushroom Ragout. I myself cannot wait to try the apple strudel, which has played a role in so many of the Quilters books.

Once again Jennifer Chiaverini has written a fireplace book. The family traditions, tales of friendship, and delicious recipes make this book a perfect dish!

::Final Note::
There will be a new addition to our family soon!
Pictures coming soon!

3 observations:

Safire said...

REALLY!?! Yay! I love new family member pictures. :)

Heather said...

She is the cutest thing ever, Taylar couldn't stop talking about her all day yesterday

Elise Mckenna Peterson: said...

I should probably read those dang things, after listening to you and mom rave about them the way you do!