I have been so busy lately I have failed to update my blog.....and my recent read "A Girl Named Zippy". Where to begin! We have been living back with Mom and Dad for over a month. It's nice to be home, but I do miss "my" space. I feel like I am an invader! I have been busy trying to catch up the house work that my poor little Mom just does not have the energy to do. Her cancer has increased and she is headed back to chemo and radiation this next week. Poor thing, please keep her and my Dad in your prayers. They need them. Caitlyn has been keeping busy with swimming lessons, she is such a fish! I cannot watch her swim, she does not hold still for one second, the doctor told me during her ultrasound that I needed to get my running shoes on and boy was he right. She just cracks me up when she is in her lessons and people stare at me because they have not idea what I am giggling at. I can just see what is going on through those coaches minds with her! I am currently working at Dan's Bakery. It is a night job, so basically I just make a few batches of french bread in the massive ovens and package all the yummy new creations the bakers have made that morning, but it's a job that works with our family schedule and my sweet sister
Heather watches Caitlyn, even in her expecting state! (THANKS HEATHER!!!) Caitlyn will be in kindergarten next year, crazy how time flies. She is already asking me when she will be old enough for college.... please wait a little bit honey, please! You are growing up way too fast! On the side I am working on Heather's baby shower, which I am totally excited for! I am getting nephew! So exciting! It's hard not to pick up every little man's item of clothing and tiny sneaker I see! Curtis is working really hard on his little men (WarHammer) and has discovered the amazing things he can create from DI finds...watch out! We are enjoying our summer and are hopefully (cross your fingers) going to get a little family vacation in September/October to Washington to visit my cousins! We will see how things go. We might be having a mini-vacation to Cherry Hill when Caitlyn graduates from swimming. I hope! Also, I just got word from my
college roommate that she and her family will be in town this next week, I am so excited to meet her family and to see her!
{ on to the review }

I loved this book! There are those who are writers and then there are those who are storytellers. Haven Kimmel is definitely a storyteller. To say this book is just a story of a girl growing up in the backwoods of Indiana would be an insult. Haven's stories are delicious and completely satisfying! You know how most books about childhood are told from the safety of adulthood? The stories can be funny, sure, but there is a definite distance between where the storyteller is and where the storyteller was. Haven takes you back in time to what was, you feel like her little, giddy childhood tag along. Her storytelling is from her 9 year old eyes. Each chapter is a vivid memory from her years in Indiana, each with a unique spirit and sentimentality for the people and places in her life. This is the perfect "Mom Book", each chapter is full of a rich story and is just the right length for a quick sit down in between kids and daily activities. I feel like I am way behind in finding and reading this book, most of you, from the comments I have received, have already read this! BUT! BUT! BUT! If there is some small chance you have not picked this treat up, go get it, devourer it, eat the dang thing up, it is wonderful!
2 observations:
I am just now reading this!!! I had seen it on Noelle's blog and I found it at Good Will last week!!! I am super summer busy and you are right...the litle stories are perfect for a quick read here and there. I wish I had enough time to sit and read the whole "dang thing" but oh well.
How long do you think you will be at your mom's house? It's hard not to have a place to call your own.
Are you coming to Washington?! Are we some of the cousins you were referring to?! I hope so!!!
I have not read this book but am definitely going to now. Thanks for the recommendation, I am always needing good books to read.
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