Wednesday, September 30, 2009

toot sweet **~

So I guess blogs aren't about how many comments your receive....right? I am just going to enjoy posting things and be happy with that, or try. Self esteem failing.....needing comments to feel good about me.....instant happiness in a few little words.....!!! Okay, so my joke about my two readers is no longer a joke, I am ok with that. (sob) On with the shooooow........

:: Here are some of my latest cakes ::

This was a fun one, although I cannot take full credit, my sweet knees cut out all the fondant for me whilest I was cooking for the shower. I had our amazing decorator at work make the cake and cupcakes, she matched the color perfectly! So although I designed the cake, I had others execute it! (thanks guys!!) This was made for my sister in law for her baby shower. Her last name is Hooton, so owls are the thing with the family! So I ran with it. I had my sister make some sweet invitations, she is so talented. She made exactly what I wanted! The shower was such a success, Heather had an amazing turnout and received some really nice things.

I haven't had many opportunities to make cakes for the Williams side of my family, except for sweet little Taylar - these are usually my favorites to make, she really keeps me on my decorating toes! So I was thrilled when I was asked to make a cake for my mother in law. It can be really hard to decide on an idea when you have a million going through your mind. One day I came up - well perhaps inspired since I was in church - a PEEP, she loves those darn things. Everyone seemed to like it, so I made a gigantic PEEP. Other than the tail needing to be longer, I was very happy with it! And it tasted amazing! Thanks to two new recipes that are DEFINITELY keepers.

Oh Elise! You put it perfectly when you said you love how each year your cake matched your current obsession! If you can get past the upside down Star Trek insignia, you can probably guess what is on the wall for this year. SCOTTY ie. SIMON PEGG. So what else but a wedding cake for Elise and Scotty. She wants her wedding to be in the colors of green, white and black. This cake gave me a chance to practice some henna cake art. It was fun! And I can't wait for another chance to better my skills. There are some gorgeous henna cakes out there, if you have a minute check it out.....wait don' will laugh for hours about how ridiculous my henna is.....just enjoy the simplicity of my cake! This one was fun and I was thrilled with her reaction, which was perfect of course!

{ adu }

P.S. Elise is not engaged, sorry for any confusion!

15 observations:

Kamee said...

Great cakes Aubrey! I love the wedding one, it is beautiful, and I can imagine it tastes just the same. You are awesome at what you do, keep it up:)!

TaLaisa said...

I love your cakes. I love how your perfectly twisted and adorable sense of humor is totally obvious in each and every one of the cakes you make! You rock.

I also read your blog every single day. Almost. I just rarely comment because that would require signing in and I'm far too lazy for that. That and I can't remember my password.

Amy J. said...

Where the heck were you on Saturday when I had Sydney's Spy/Detective birthday party!? I ended up buying, yes buying, a plane chocolate cake at Wal-mart and I slapped a large magnifying glass on it!!! Your cakes are amazing.

Uhhhhh so is Elise engaged cause I sure havn't been told!!!!!!!!????? Can I please please please be considered one of your 2 loyal fans!!!!??? :)

Anonymous said...

holy crapamolee lady you are GOOOOD! that wedding cake is your piece de resistance! i will NOT look at henna cakes becuase i think yours is amazing and i will conitnue to think that.

melissa mae said...

You know what? More people than you know read your blog, just not everyone leaves comments. Trust me.

OH MY GOSH, Aubs. Seriously. Will you please quit your day job and start doing cakes? What are you doing at a flippin deli? I will make some business cards for you. And we'll start a wedding business or soemthing.

Houston said...

Lol lots of people read your blog. I read it at work usually though, and can't sign on there. Megan and I drooled over your cakes ;-)

Safire said...

Cute cute cakes! You have some big talent there!

Rebecca said...

So, I love your blog. Hugs and more hugs hon! I'm not a blog checker but once a week and yours is on the top of the list to catch up on! Love you guys!

Megan said...

BreeeeeeeeeeeEEee! (That should be read like a long shout along the lines of "Stella!")

I'm with Melissa. We need to start a business. You and Melissa can be the creative folks and I'll be your pretend chef helper who also loves to take photographs. We'll become RICH.

Bytheway, I read your blog all the time I just don't always know what to write because I'm not that brilliant sometimes.

Bown Fam said...

Let's see, I count 10 people so far who are reading your blog. Boo hoo, you are so unpopular!

Alicia Leppert said...

Looks like you have a whole lot more than two comments to me. Sorry I have been a comment loser. Life is just too busy. But...your cakes are AMAZING. You have some serious talent, woman! And you scared me with the Elise/engaged thing too, cause I was worried I had missed out on the big announcement, so I went to her blog to find out and read her real big announcement instead. That's so exciting for her!

Alicia Leppert said...

P.S. I tried to do your contest but didn't know any of the answers and wasn't sure if we were allowed to Google so I crapped out. Sorry. (again, loser.)

Grandma Cindy May said...

Hi, Aubrey, it's Mindy's mom. What a talent you have for making cakes. Mindy has just started doing some for our family. Did she inherit that from you?

I love to read your blog. Your daughter sounds like so much fun.
I hope your Mom is doing better. Give her my best.

My grand daughter (Kaylee) looks so cute in all of your wonderful clothes. Thanks for being so generous. Cindy

Heather said...
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Heather said...

I'm pretty sure you and Emily are the only ones that read my blog so don't feel bad, lol.

and I ALWAYS read your blog. Speaking of I LOVE your new layout.

Also I have a fantastic idea for you (and this is serious).. I think you should write a book (cause you could make money) or even a blog entitled: How to be a 50's housewife in the 21st century.

you could do a chapter with recipes, a chapter with craft ideas, ideas for entertaining kids, tips and ideas for creating costumes etc., cake decorating ideas, etc.