Thursday, April 22, 2010

your agenda please

{ Wednesday, April 21, 2010 }

4:00 am - go to work
4:15 am - start frying to biggest load of donuts you have fried in your life
5:15 am - begin frosting, glazing, and sprinkling your biggest load of donuts
6:00 am - feel like your arms want to fall off and that you want nothing more than to go back to bed, but know that you still have the rest of your shift
6:01 am - GET GOING!
11:30 am - head home to care for family
12:30 pm - visit grandma and go get yummy burger with husband
2:30 pm - sit on the chair and wish you could go to sleep but knowing you can't
2:45 pm - start beggin' process on your husband to pick up your daughter from school for you because you don't have the energy
3:30 pm - find a little burst of energy from a small sugar induced burst to load the back of your van with donations for DI
4:25pm - find an accordion bathroom mirror at the DI brand new in the box from IKEA, the same one you have had your eye on for a long time for only $2.00 - happens every time I donate!
5:00 pm - pick up little love from Girl Scouts
5:30 pm - home to make dinner, pizza lovingly handmade for us from Diane
6:30 pm - a game of Clue Jr with the family - I WON! Professor Plum ate the cake at 2:00 with a glass of apple juice on the side
7:30 pm - put in Rubbadubbers and watched/slept with family
8:30 pm - sleepily crawl into bed, remember that you did not brush your teeth, get mad and shlump yourself to the bathroom
9:00 pm - ...........zzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

{ Thursday, April 22. 2010 }
6:30 am - wake up and remember that this is your day off! HURRAY!
6:31 am - try hard not to wake up husband and remind him that today Avatar comes out and that if he loves you, truly and with all his heart loves you, he would get up immediately and get out there to buy you this movie and then get back home so you can watch it before little love wakes up
8:30 am - still waiting for Avatar dvd...........bloggin'.............

4 observations:

Anonymous said...

i will never ever take doughnuts for granted again. 2 a.m.?!?!?! never.

Hey Melissa Mae said...

I can't believe you work that early. You are my hero. Did you eat any of the doughnuts? I would have! And Avatar at 7 am? What is wrong with you? SLEEP!

Rebecca said...

you are superwoman!!!
WE need to get caitlyn and carter together -- he would love to fight dragons with her!

Alicia Leppert said...

Seriously, reading about you waking up at 6:30 am on your day off and NOT going back to sleep is killing me! Although, it may be worth it for Avatar...