Thursday, December 20, 2012


Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
Turkey! Turkey! Turkey!
Pie! Pie! Pie!
Family! Family! Family!

We had dinner at Photo Op’s house this year. Her in-laws were in town too, so she had a house full! After we ate we played games and told stories and laughed until we were sick. 

Photo Op and her Tofurkey!

We have a few traditions we do Thanksgiving weekend. Thanksgiving morning we always have a pancake toss for breakfast and then watch the Macy’s Day parade together. And we always put up Christmas. So we spent the day hanging ornaments, putting up decorations, placing the Nativity scene, and of course eating! I pretty much spent the day in the kitchen – my second favorite place to be – and cooked to my little heart’s content. Everything made from scratch – oh it was heaven. The turkey was so moist; I am sooo in love with brining! Little Love still being the youngest in the family placed the star on top of the tree. We always have so much fun placing our ornaments on the tree, reminding each other of all the great memories associated with each one. We have a tradition on our family that we draw names for ornaments and we swap each year either buying or making. This is our year for making! Can’t wait to post pictures!!

A tradition we had when I was growing up was my Dad’s Onion dip. We carried on that tradition this year. Little Love was in charge of making it. She had never had it before, but she tried it and loved it. I had to put it away because she would not stop eating it!

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