Thursday, August 14, 2008 sister...

I have been putting off doing this post because I know how hard it's going to be for me, but I am grateful I can do it at the computer and cry alone! Tomorrow my sister and her family are starting a new chapter in their lives. My amazing brother (in-law) received a scholarship to Thunderbird in Glendale Arizona. He is going to get his MBA and hopefully start working for Disney (or last I heard anyway!). My sister and I have never lived more than a few hours apart and I am dreading the fact that she will be so far away from me. I need her in my life, more than she knows! Through our lives we had had our good and bad times, but she was always the one who tried to mend things, to be the first to forgive. There was a time that I pushed her away, with my hurtful words and rude actions. Even through this rough time she loved me, she stuck by me, and was there with a hugs and reminder that she would always be my sister, no matter what. It has taken some time for my guilty wounds to heal, but she never speaks of my actions. She has forgiven me, but if you were to ask she would say there was nothing to forgive. I do not know what I did in heaven to be blessed with such an special sister. She is a great example to me in countless ways and such a support for me. I am going to miss her excruciatingly. I pray for their safety and that their lives will continually be filled with the blessings their amazing family deserves. It's hard to put into words the connection one feels for her sisters, so I put it simply that I love you Liss and I will be thinking of you every day. Enjoy your time in Arizona, but please return home soon!

8 observations:

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

Aw, gee Aubs...I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for your post. It made my leetle heart swell with love for you. You know you're my best friend and always will be. It will be fun to have you guys visit in AZ, and fun to see you when we come to visit. I will miss you so much! You know that that crap from high school is long gone and never needs to be mentioned or even thought of! Love you, Yobbins.

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

oh yah, I want to see this slideshow above, but it says i have to be invited?

Unknown said...

sniff sniff. i totally understand. totally.

aubrey said...

Sorry about that I think I fixed it....

Heather said...

very sweet post. you guys will have to go and visit them soon!

BensonFam said...

We lived just down the street from the Thunderbird business school when we were in Arizona for a few years. They will have such blast there - lots to do and fabulous winters. It's so hard to be that far away from family, but in the end it was a great and a growing experience for us and helped us to appreciate our families all the more. Good luck to Melissa and her family and to you!!

Amy J. said...

Saying goodbye stinks! I am sure they won't stay away too long! (Like saying that helps at all) =(

I love the "slides don't have arms." quote!

Alicia Leppert said...

I can only imagine how you must feel. I have always lived super close to my sisters (other than a few years when Alison lived in Montana but I wasn't married yet or had kids so it wasn't as sucky as it would be now) and I can't imagine doing it now. This was such a beautiful post for her farewell.