Today we took Caitlyn skating. I wish I could pretend that we had an enjoyable family activity. I wish that these pictures were not a lie. She cried and whined almost the entire time . We left after about 45 minutes. I know that as parents we are supposed to present our children with opportunities to grow, to learn, to struggle, to love, to SKATE! I also know that our Father sometimes presents us with opportunities to grow (your first gray hair from stress), to learn (more & more & more & more patience), to struggle (not to punt your dear child across the skating rink), to love (that you have the power to say when it's time to get in Henry and GO HOME). Dear goodness. I tried, oh boy did I try, so many different paths with her today. None seemed to work. I am hoping that she will be willing to try skating again, and we just perhaps caught her on a bad day. I will be so sad if my daughter denies herself wonderful life experiences because she is too afraid to fail. I am sensing a good topic for Family Night tomorrow.......
8 observations:
I think Taylar would have had an epic fail too, lol.
Schilly girls! Don't they know how awesome skating is!
Hey, at least you guys DID something. Poor Mae has been stuck inside for the past week with me being sick PLUS trying to get ready for the boutique. I am going to get Worst Mother of the Year Award.
I love your hat by the way!
Who cares about the poopy experience those pictures are so cute...you are gorgeous!
We had a similar family event...kite flying in the front yard several years ago. We couldn't get the kites to and if I remember right (I have tried to block it from my mind) John and I were yelling at each other and the kids were crying. I hate kites.
Such adorable pictures!! Way to fool us all! It is so good to see you guys, you all look amazing! It has been to long and we miss you! Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!!
After re-reading my original comment I realized that it sounded critical and rude. I intended it to be silly and joking but I do not think it came across that way. I apologize if it was hurtful.
The pictures are adorable and hopefully you can take her again and have a different experience.
Oh Megan! Nothing you could ever say would be taken like that schilly woman! I know you too well to take anything you say seriously!!! hee hee! I kid my friend! No offense taken! I really do know you too well to think anything like that. It is something very frustrating about "saying" something on the internet, so much gets lost in translation. I do not like that. Love you Snow Princess!
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